Twilio phone numbers

Get instant access to phone numbers in 100+ countries. Twilio has global inventory, APIs, and software for you to engage your customers at scale anywhere in the world.

UI of a Twilio phone numbers global inventory, APIs, and software for users to engage with their customers at scale anywhere in the world

Types of business phone numbers

Choose from Twilio’s extensive inventory of business phone numbers to reach customers.

  • Chat bubble with clock

    10-digit long codes (A2P 10DLC) are numbers with a local prefix and sent over dedicated business messaging routes.

  • Mobile notification
    Toll-free numbers

    10-digit phone numbers with a standard prefix that are voice and SMS-enabled.

  • Package with heart
    Short codes

    5-digit recognizable numbers to send and receive high-volume text and picture messages.

  • User speech bubble
    Alphanumeric Sender IDs

    A sender ID based on your company or brand name that is used for one-way messaging at high volumes in supported countries.

  • Chat Bubble
    National numbers

    Non-geographic phone numbers that are reachable from an entire country at the same price as a local phone call.

Choose the US phone number type that’s best for your use case

Each phone number type has different capabilities to engage customers in the most effective way.




Short code

Number recognition

Local prefix

Branded number

Branded number

Message throughput range - Messages Per Second (MPS)

3-180 MPS
(additional throughput based on TCR Trust Score)

3-150+ MPS

100+ MPS

Filtering for spam/content




MMS support




Voice support




Delivery receipts (DLRs)




Stop opt-out

Managed by Twilio

Managed at network level

Managed by business

Provisioning time

2-7 days

2-7 days

6-7 weeks

Features to manage your business phone numbers

  • Number hosting

    Use the business phone numbers you already own to send and receive messages with Twilio’s communication APIs.

  • Number porting

    Transfer your phone numbers from another provider quickly and easily—making the switch to Twilio is simple.

  • Messaging and Voice Insights

    Analyze your voice and message performance, identify and debug issues, optimize delivery to engage your end users.

  • Number verification

    Know that every Twilio Phone Number goes through extensive testing, including technical evaluation, capability testing, and traffic monitoring.

  • 10DLC and Toll-free onboarding APIs

    Register your 10DLC and toll-free phone numbers through our onboarding API and software to streamline the process.

Compliance features for phone number management

Regulatory and compliance APIs

Keeping up with local regulatory requirements is a headache. Twilio makes it easy to manage those requirements for compliant global communications. 

Trust Hub

Create a verified Business Profile and manage your phone number verification in one place to join our fully verified communications ecosystem. 

Phone number lookup

Determine if a phone number is valid before you send messaging or voice traffic by identifying the line type as mobile, landline, VoIP, or temporary number.

How to get started with Twilio phone numbers

Get new numbers

Search for and instantly buy the numbers you need to reach customers. Filter based on location or number type to find exactly what you need from our extensive inventory.

Try our global phone numbers catalog

There’s strength in numbers

Power your communications with a recognized leader in CPaaS*.


carrier connections


countries reached


verified 10DLC traffic


messages sent/received per year

Start with a free trial. No credit card required.

Phone number pricing is combined with your product usage. Visit the pricing page to estimate the total cost of your use case.

Phone numbers FAQs

* Twilio named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for CPaaS