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Validate Webhook requests from SendGrid



This example uses headers and cookies, which are only accessible when your Function is running @twilio/runtime-handler version 1.2.0 or later. Consult the Runtime Handler guide to learn more about the latest version and how to update.

Protecting your Twilio Functions from non-Twilio requests is usually just a matter of setting a Function's visibility to Protected. However, if you'd like to create a Function that's intended to only handle incoming Webhook requests from a product such as SendGrid(link takes you to an external page), validation will require some manual inspection of headers, which are now accessible!

In this example, we'll create a Function which will serve as the Event Webhook for your SendGrid account. The Function will validate if the incoming request came from SendGrid, and send a text message to a designated phone number if an email has been opened.

Create and host a Function

create-and-host-a-function page anchor

In order to run any of the following examples, you will first need to create a Function into which you can paste the example code. You can create a Function using the Twilio Console or the Serverless Toolkit as explained below:

ConsoleServerless Toolkit

If you prefer a UI-driven approach, creating and deploying a Function can be done entirely using the Twilio Console and the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Twilio Console and navigate to the Functions tab(link takes you to an external page) . If you need an account, you can sign up for a free Twilio account here(link takes you to an external page) !
  2. Functions are contained within Services . Create a Service by clicking the Create Service(link takes you to an external page) button and providing a name such as test-function .
  3. Once you've been redirected to the new Service, click the Add + button and select Add Function from the dropdown.
  4. This will create a new Protected Function for you with the option to rename it. The name of the file will be path it is accessed from.
  5. Copy any one of the example code snippets from this page that you want to experiment with, and paste the code into your newly created Function. You can quickly switch examples by using the dropdown menu of the code rail.
  6. Click Save to save your Function's contents.
  7. Click Deploy All to build and deploy the Function. After a short delay, your Function will be accessible from: https://<service-name>-<random-characters>-<optional-domain-suffix><function-path>
    For example: .

Your Function is now ready to be invoked by HTTP requests, set as the webhook of a Twilio phone number, invoked by a Twilio Studio Run Function Widget, and more!

Validate Webhook requests from SendGrid

validate-webhook-requests-from-sendgrid page anchor

const { EventWebhook, EventWebhookHeader } = require('@sendgrid/eventwebhook');
// Helper method for validating SendGrid requests
const verifyRequest = (publicKey, payload, signature, timestamp) => {
// Initialize a new SendGrid EventWebhook to expose helpful request
// validation methods
const eventWebhook = new EventWebhook();
// Convert the public key string into an ECPublicKey
const ecPublicKey = eventWebhook.convertPublicKeyToECDSA(publicKey);
return eventWebhook.verifySignature(
exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {
// Access a pre-initialized Twilio client from context
const twilioClient = context.getTwilioClient();
// Access sensitive values such as the sendgrid key and phone numbers
// from Environment Variables
const publicKey = context.SENDGRID_WEBHOOK_PUBLIC_KEY;
const twilioPhoneNumber = context.TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER;
const numberToNotify = context.NOTIFY_PHONE_NUMBER;
// The SendGrid EventWebhookHeader provides methods for getting
// the necessary header names.
// Remember to cast these header names to lowercase to access them correctly
const signatureKey = EventWebhookHeader.SIGNATURE().toLowerCase();
const timestampKey = EventWebhookHeader.TIMESTAMP().toLowerCase();
// Retrieve SendGrid's headers so they can be used to validate
// the request
const signature = event.request.headers[signatureKey];
const timestamp = event.request.headers[timestampKey];
// Runtime injects the request object and spreads in the SendGrid events.
// Isolate the original SendGrid event contents using destructuring
// and the rest operator
const { request, ...sendGridEvents } = event;
// Convert the SendGrid event back into an array of events, which is the
// format sent by SendGrid initially
const sendGridPayload = Object.values(sendGridEvents);
// Stringify the event and add newlines/carriage returns since they're expected by validator
const rawEvent =
JSON.stringify(sendGridPayload).split('},{').join('},\r\n{') + '\r\n';
// Verify the request using the public key, the body of the request,
// and the SendGrid headers
const valid = verifyRequest(publicKey, rawEvent, signature, timestamp);
// Reject invalidated requests!
if (!valid) return callback("Request didn't come from SendGrid", event);
// Helper method to simplify repeated calls to send messages with
// nicely formatted timestamps
const sendSMSNotification = (recipientEmail, timestamp) => {
const formattedDateTime = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'numeric',
day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
second: 'numeric',
hour12: true,
timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
return twilioClient.messages.create({
from: twilioPhoneNumber,
to: numberToNotify,
body: `Email to ${recipientEmail} was opened on ${formattedDateTime}.`,
// Convert the original list of events into a condensed version for SMS
const normalizedEvents = sendGridPayload
.map((rawEvent) => ({
timestamp: rawEvent.timestamp * 1000,
status: rawEvent.event,
messageId: rawEvent.sg_message_id.split('.')[0],
// Ensure that events are sorted by time to ensure they're sent
// in the correct order
.sort((a, b) => a.timestamp - b.timestamp);
// Iterate over each event and wait for a text to be sent before
// processing the next event
for (const event of normalizedEvents) {
// You could also await an async operation to update your db records to
// reflect the status change here
// await db.updateEmailStatus(event.messageId, event.status, event.timestamp);
if (event.status === 'open') {
await sendSMSNotification(, event.timestamp);
// Return a 200 OK!
return callback();

Create your Function and connect it to SendGrid

create-your-function-and-connect-it-to-sendgrid page anchor
  1. First, create a new sendgrid-email Service and add a Public /events/email Function. Delete the default contents of the Function, and paste in the code snippet provided on this page.
  2. Create a free SendGrid account(link takes you to an external page) .
  3. Follow the instructions here(link takes you to an external page) to set up a SendGrid Event Webhook. Paste the URL of your newly created Function as the unique URL for the Event Webhook. (it will look like

    sendgrid event webhook url.Rate this page:

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