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Studio Flows API Quickstart

The quickest way to get started with the Studio Flows API is to create a Flow using the Studio Canvas in Console(link takes you to an external page) and then use the Flows API to fetch and update the Flow's JSON Definition.

Note: The examples in this quickstart use cURL, but complete code samples for the Twilio Helper Libraries and the Twilio CLI are available in the Studio REST API v2 docs.

Create a new Flow from a template

create-a-new-flow-from-a-template page anchor

Start by creating a new Flow in Console(link takes you to an external page). Select the Start from scratch template and click Next, which will automatically create and load a new blank Flow in the Studio Canvas.

Studio Template Picker.



"status" : "published",
"friendly_name" : "My first flow",
"revision" : 1,
"date_updated" : null,
"errors" : [],
"url" : "",
"date_created" : "2020-01-15T18:17:38Z",
"links" : {
"revisions" : ""
"commit_message" : null,
"definition" : {
"flags" : {
"allow_concurrent_calls" : true
"initial_state" : "Trigger",
"description" : "A New Flow",
"states" : [
"properties" : {
"offset" : {
"y" : 0,
"x" : 0
"transitions" : [],
"name" : "Trigger",
"type" : "trigger"
"valid" : true

Modify the Flow via the REST API

modify-the-flow-via-the-rest-api page anchor

Add a simple Say/Play widget to the definition and run a Flow update command.

To connect the Say/Play widget add its JSON as a new item in the "states" array, and set the widget's friendly name to the "next" property of the Trigger's "incomingCall" transition:

"next" : "say_play_1",
"event" : "incomingCall"

Complete code example:

"flags" : {
"allow_concurrent_calls" : true
"description" : "A New Flow",
"states" : [
"properties" : {
"offset" : {
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0
"name" : "Trigger",
"type" : "trigger",
"transitions" : [
"event" : "incomingMessage"
"next" : "say_play_1",
"event" : "incomingCall"
"event" : "incomingRequest"
"transitions" : [
"event" : "audioComplete"
"type" : "say-play",
"properties" : {
"loop" : 1,
"say" : "Hello World",
"offset" : {
"x" : 100,
"y" : 200
"name" : "say_play_1"
"initial_state" : "Trigger"
curl -X POST \
--data-urlencode "CommitMessage=First update" \
--data-urlencode "Definition=$DEFINITION" \
--data-urlencode "Status=published" \



To import the Flow into another account or subaccount, just change the credentials to use the receiving account's Account SID and Token.

Reload the Flow in Console to view the changes

reload-the-flow-in-console-to-view-the-changes page anchor

Now that the Flow has been updated via the API, reload the Flow in the Studio Canvas to see the updated layout with the new widget in place.

Simple Studio Flow.Rate this page:

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