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Verify Fraud Guard



Fraud Guard is now GA (Generally Available) and available to all Verify customers at no extra cost. Fraud Guard is enabled by default for all Verify customers.

Verify Fraud Guard is now supported for customers using custom verification codes only in Standard or Max protection levels.

Currently only the SMS channel is supported.

Verify Fraud Guard uses automatic SMS fraud detection to block suspicious messages from being sent by your Verify Service. It works by analyzing your current and historical SMS traffic for unusual patterns. When it detects fluctuations in SMS destination traffic or SMS pumping fraud, Fraud Guard automatically blocks the prefix of the destination of the suspected fraud.

Enable Fraud Guard

enable-fraud-guard page anchor

When creating a new Verify Service, you will be prompted on whether you want to enable or disable Fraud Guard.

For an existing Service, you can enable or disable Fraud Guard in your Twilio Console by navigating to Twilio Console > Verify > Services page(link takes you to an external page) and selecting your Service. This will open the Service settings page where you can select the SMS tab and adjust the Enable Fraud Guard option for that Service.

Once Fraud Guard is enabled on your Service, no further action is needed and your protection will begin immediately.

You can fine tune your Service's Fraud Guard protection level from cautious to aggressive blocking to best suit your business needs.

2023-06-08 at 5.38.32 PM.Rate this page:

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