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Studio REST API v2 now Generally Available!

The Studio REST API v2 with Flow publishing support is now Generally Available and includes the ability to programmatically create and update Flows!

We recommend all customers use the v2 API to take advantage of the latest features.

Switch to V2(link takes you to an external page)

The Studio v1 REST API lets you trigger flows programmatically and also retrieve information about your flows and executions. The Incoming Request Trigger on your flow will fire when you create an Execution via the REST API. Important: When triggering flows with the API, don't forget to also configure your phone number(link takes you to an external page)with your Studio flow! If you don't configure the phone number, users won't be able to reply to your messages or interact with your IVR.

HTTP POST to create an Execution

To trigger a new Execution of your Flow via the REST API, make an HTTP POST request to:{FlowSid}/Executions

POST Parameters

Required Parameters

ToThe Contact phone number (or other identifier) to start a Studio Flow Execution, available as variable {{}}
FromThe Twilio phone number (or other identifier such as a SID of a Messaging Service) to send messages or initiate calls from during the Flow Execution, available as variable {{}}

Important: The To and From phone numbers must be formatted as E.164 (e.g. +1xxxxxxxxxx) to ensure a Contact's session is tracked correctly.

Optional Parameters

ParametersJSON data that will be added to your flow's context and can be accessed as variables inside your flow. For example, if you pass in Parameters={"name":"Zeke"} then inside a widget you can reference the variable {{}} which will return the string "Zeke". Note: the JSON value must explicitly be passed as a string, not as a hash object. Depending on your particular HTTP library, you may need to add quotes or URL encode your JSON string. See curl examples below.

Quick Examples:

Using curl on the command line, you can trigger a flow like so:

curl -X POST "" --data-urlencode "To=+1646221xxxx" --data-urlencode "From=+1331481xxxx" -u ACCOUNT_SID:AUTH_TOKEN

To pass in additional custom data to your flow, add a Parameters= parameter.

curl -X POST "" --data-urlencode "To=+1646221xxxx" --data-urlencode "From=+1331481xxxx" --data-urlencode "Parameters={\"name\":\"zeke\"}" -u ACCOUNT_SID:AUTH_TOKEN

If you are using a Twilio helper library, you can trigger a flow like so:


_10, AUTH_TOKEN).studio.v1.flows('FW9d816f0b90d2a10b913868462e339d29').executions.create(from: '+1331481xxxx', to: '1646221xxxx', parameters: '{"name":"Clément"}')


_10'FW9d816f0b90d2a10b913868462e339d29').executions.create({ to: '+1646221xxxx', from: '+1331481xxxx', parameters: JSON.stringify({name: "Clément"})}).then(function(execution) { console.log(execution.sid); });


$twilio->studio->v1->flows("FW9d816f0b90d2a10b913868462e339d29")->executions->create("+1646221xxxx", "+1331481xxxx", array("parameters" => array("foo" => "bar")));

The Executions resource page documents examples in other languages. For information on the other resources, check out the full REST API documentation for each resource below.

Studio REST API resources

studio-rest-api-resources page anchor
FlowAllows you to retrieve a list of Flows created in your account.
ExecutionAllows you to create Executions that will act on the incoming REST API trigger for the Flow specified.
Execution ContextThe execution context gives a JSON representation of your flow and its widgets at the time of execution.
StepEach move through your flow is a Step. The Steps resource allows you to retrieve the steps for a given execution.
Step ContextStep context ties a JSON representation of data parsed as part of an individual widget.

HTTP requests to the REST API are protected with HTTP Basic Authentication like other Twilio REST APIs. To learn more about how Twilio handles authentication, please refer to our security documentation.

To authenticate, you will need your Account SID and Auth Token from the Twilio Console(link takes you to an external page):

Twilio Account Summary section of the console.Rate this page:

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