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Verify Push & Silent Device Approval Overview

What is Verify Push & Silent Device Approval?

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Verify Push helps you verify users by adding a low-friction, secure, cost-effective, "push" authentication factor into your own mobile apps. This fully managed API service allows you to seamlessly verify users in-app via a secure channel, without the risks, hassles or costs of One-Time Passcodes (OTPs).

The same API behind Verify Push can also be used to perform Silent Device Approvals (SDAs), which are invisible to the end-user and don't require push notifications.

See how Wise (formerly TransferWise) added the Verify Push experience into their mobile app(link takes you to an external page), securing over 8 million user accounts:

How does Verify Push work?

Verify Push & SDA consists of an API and open-source Client Libraries (SDKs)*. These components work together to turn your user's devices into a secure key via a well-known method called public-key cryptography. To learn more about this method, check out this talk by @PhilippeDeRyck(link takes you to an external page) starting at 1:28:00.

Does Verify Push require Push Notifications?

An understandable misconception is that Verify Push requires push notification (FCM, APNs) to work. This is not the case, because the critical flows of Verify Push will work without relying on push notifications that may not be successfully delivered 100% of the time. However, the user experience of Verify Push can be greatly improved by sending a push notification whenever possible to your user's device to prompt them on the lock screen to open up your mobile app to view and approve/deny the verification request (challenge).

How will my users experience Verify Push?

With Verify Push, you still have the flexibility of completely customizing your own UI and user experience. To get inspired, watch how Transferwise(link takes you to an external page) customized their UI on top of Verify Push. For a third-party example, check out Google Prompt(link takes you to an external page).

Which use cases can Verify Push replace SMS/Voice OTP?

Verify Push SDK can replace SMS/Voice OTP for Authentication use cases, but not Account Creation use cases. How much each use case contributes to your overall verification volume varies widely depending on your product's design and usage patterns.

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