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Preventing Fraud in Verify

One of the challenges of operating globally is the increased exposure to fraud. There are two types of attacks we commonly see in phone verification or two-factor authentication (2FA) flows.

  1. SMS pumping
  2. International Revenue Sharing Fraud (IRSF) also known as "Toll Fraud"

Both attacks cause inflated traffic to your app with the intent to make money and not to steal information. While the specific ways attackers monetize these types of fraud is different, the strategies you can implement to reduce fraud are similar.

verification fraud diagram.number of OTPs validated by end users / number of OTPs sent to end users). If you notice this rate start to drop, especially in an unexpected country, trigger an alert for manual review.

You can also configure a usage trigger(link takes you to an external page) on your Twilio account to alert you when your usage goes above a certain threshold.

Analyze IP and detect VPNs

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Analyze IP location, IP owner (ISP/proxy/TOR/cloud provider, etc), and IP against the bad reputation list. Block TOR/Cloud Providers/proxies/bad IPs.

While there are legitimate use cases for VPNs, attackers will likely use one to bypass simple I.P. address blocking and this is a signal that something might be awry. There are a lot of solutions for VPN detection(link takes you to an external page) out there to choose from.

Implement geographic permissions to restrict destination countries

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Review your Verify Geographic Permissions(link takes you to an external page) and disable all countries that you do not plan to send messages to.

You can also build a programmatic allow list or block list based on the country codes(link takes you to an external page) of the phone number with our free Lookup formatting API.

If you have data on the number of verifications you'd expect per day in a given country, you can set rate limits on groups of countries, allowing relaxed rate limits in countries where you expect legitimate users, and more restricted rate limits in all other countries.

What to do if you suspect fraud on your Twilio account

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Email if you are facing messaging abuse. Please include the following details in your message:

Account SID:
Product Type:
Date/time Range:
To/Recipient Country:
Workspace SID:
Description of Activity:

Here are some more resources for account security that you might enjoy:

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