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Monitor Agent Activity

The Teams View provides a real-time view of contact center agents' activity. With this information, supervisors can monitor individual tasks for training and problem-solving in the contact center. This tool helps supervisors ensure that agents' interactions with customers meet quality standards.

What can you do in Teams View?

what-can-you-do-in-teams-view page anchor
  • View agent status and the tasks they are working on right now
  • View individual task info
  • Listen to live calls
  • View live messaging conversations


The Teams View is visible for users with supervisor or admin role. It can display a maximum of 200 agents to supervisors and admins, so be sure to configure your Teams View filters in a way that narrows down the list of agents to less than 200.



The TaskQueue list may not include all TaskQueues if the TaskQueue has not been used for 30 days or more. Reset the expiration on your TaskQueue by routing an inbound task to the Queue. Each additional task and any transfers will reset the expiration time to 30 days.

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