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Messaging Insights

Twilio's Messaging Insights enable you to analyze your application's messaging activities, identify and debug issues, optimize delivery, monitor fraud protection, and find areas to boost engagement with your end users.

Messaging Insights consist of:

  • A collection of real-time dashboards ranging from messaging delivery and errors to responses and OTP (one-time password) conversions.
  • Insights into the performance of Messaging Intelligence-based real-time messaging solutions like SMS Pumping Protection .

Visualize your Messaging data with dashboards

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You can find the Messaging Insights dashboards in the Twilio Console under Monitor > Insights > Messaging(link takes you to an external page). Use them to answer questions such as:

  • What are the delivery rates for my messages, both incoming and outgoing?
  • What caused delivery rates to drop during a certain time period?
  • What are my opt-out rates?
  • How many of my OTP messages are converting successfully?
  • What is the volume and distribution of my scheduled messages for the coming week?
  • What is the click through rate of my messages using shortened links?

Messaging Insights dashboards give you specific insight into the aspects of message delivery and engagement:

OverviewDisplays a high-level view of your outgoing and incoming messages.
Delivery & ErrorDisplays three deep dives into factors that affect deliverability to help you identify what is causing an issue.
ResponsesIncludes different ways to visualize and filter the inbound messages that you're receiving back from your end users.
OTP ConversionAggregates and visualizes the information that you have sent to Twilio about successful OTP messages.
ScheduledDisplays metrics relating to the volume of your upcoming scheduled messages.
Link ShorteningVisualizes success metrics such as deliverability and click through rate for messages using shortened links.

Use Messaging Intelligence to enhance your insights

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Twilio's Messaging Intelligence comprises a suite of real-time messaging solutions leveraging AI/ML algorithms to enhance customer value beyond the use of logs and the Messaging Insights dashboards discussed above.

Currently, the following Messaging Intelligence insights are supported:

Messaging Intelligence InsightsDescription
SMS Pumping Protection Insights
Monitors the efficacy of and estimated cost savings from using SMS Pumping Protection.

Now that you have an overview of what Twilio's Messaging Insights entail, you can:

You can also learn more about Twilio's Messaging Services and factors that can affect global messaging.

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