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Make HTTP Request Widget

Studio uses Widgets to represent various parts of Twilio's functionality that can then be stitched together in your Studio Flow to build out robust applications that require no coding on your part.



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The Make HTTP Request Widget allows you to interact with applications and code that live outside of Studio. You can use this widget to interact with parts of your business logic not defined in flows or as Functions.

A basic Make HTTP Request Widget with an HTTP GET request. We see the named widget ('my_http_get_req'), and underneath the name is our GET request with a url of of We can see that the Success transition moves on in the flow, while the Fail transition stops the flow.

If you'd like to make a request to a Twilio API, you can enable the Authenticate with Twilio option instead to have your credentials automatically provided.

This is what the default configuration looks like for the Make HTTP Request widget:

Required configuration for Make HTTP request widget. We see the named widget ('http_request_widget'), then a dropdown under Request Method with the default 'Get' selected. Under that, the form has a field for Request URL.

{% if flow.variables.count %}
{{flow.variables.count | plus: 1}} {% else %} 1 {% endif %}

The count variable can be accessed anywhere in the Flow using {{flow.variables.count}}.

You can now check the count and continue incrementing or move the Flow forward using a Split Based On… Widget.

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