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How to Work with your Twilio Free Trial Account (US only)

So you want to give Twilio a spin, or you've already signed up for your trial account and want to understand what you can and can't do? If you're a user in the U.S. or Canada, you're in the right place!

Sign up for your free Twilio trial

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  1. First, sign up for your free Twilio trial account(link takes you to an external page) . The signup process includes verifying your personal phone number: this is a security measure that is mandatory before you can try Twilio.
  2. Once you finish signup, you should see your Console Dashboard(link takes you to an external page) . This is your home for finding your Twilio credentials, checking your usage, and beginning your exploration of Twilio technology.
  3. We give you a small preloaded balance to test out Twilio's functionality. You will not be charged for Twilio phone numbers or usage until you upgrade.

Console Dashboard Home Page

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If you've indicated an interest in Twilio Messaging products during your Free Trial sign-up, upon completion of signup you'll land on a page like the one shown in the screenshot below. This landing page presents three possible paths that you can take to begin with:

Path 1 - Explore Messaging Capabilities: take this path if you'd like to immediately start exploring how the Twilio Messaging API works, using the new Toll-Free number that comes with the Free Trial account, together with our Virtual Phone.

Path 2 - Ready to Upgrade?: Take this path if you're ready to begin building right away. You'll get your free Toll-Free Number, upgrade your account and register your TF number so that you can start sending SMS traffic over the network to any destination phone.

Path 3 - Explore more products: Twilio is an omni-channel communication provider. Did you know that you can use your new TF number immediately, with no verification process, to make voice calls? Take this path if you'd like to explore Twilio's voice, email and other communication channels.

Free Trial Step One screen.

curl '' -X POST \
--data-urlencode 'To=+18777804236' \
--data-urlencode 'From=+18777153684' \
--data-urlencode 'Body=Hello from Twilio' \
-u ACe8282685e820510a67f6504a736b2b5b:[AuthToken]

You'll note that in the code sample, you can see the parameters necessary for the API call that will send this message:

  • To : the message recipient, in this case, the number of the Virtual Phone
  • From : the message sender, in this case, your new Toll-free number
  • Body : the message body, or the text of the message (here "Hello from Twilio")

This is real, functional code. We encourage you to copy/paste this code snippet and run it from your platform of choice (e.g. command line, Postman, etc); it will still show up in the Virtual Phone just as it would from this page.

Once you've clicked the Send text message button, the message text you've specified will appear in the Virtual Phone, as shown below:

Virtual Phone with a first test SMS message.From number. You can add a verified outbound caller ID via the console . You may verify as many phone numbers to be used as your caller ID as you like.
  • You may make international calls from your trial account. However, you only have access to GA and Public Beta phone numbers. Check out the limited list of countries(link takes you to an external page) you can make calls to while in trial mode.
  • Sending SMS and MMS messages

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    You cannot send SMS messages from your personal phone number with Twilio, whether on a paid or a trial plan. You can only send messages from Twilio numbers. Beyond this, the following limitations apply:

    • As explained above, you will only be able to send SMS messages from your Trial Account's Toll-Free number to cellphone numbers over the mobile network once that TF number has been verified . Until then you can only send SMS messages to the Twilio Virtual Phone.
    • When you send an SMS from your verified free trial phone number, it will always begin with "Sent from a Twilio trial account." We remove this message after you upgrade to a paid account.
    • While in trial mode, you can only send messages to non-Twilio phone numbers that you've verified with Twilio.
    • While in trial mode, you cannot send messages using an alphanumeric sender ID

    Sending messages internationally

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    You can send international messages from your trial account as long as you:

    1. Ensure that your (verified) trial number is SMS-enabled and not restricted to sending/receiving messages and calls from local numbers. You can see your phone number's capabilities on the Phone Numbers(link takes you to an external page) page in the Console:

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