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Send Appointment Reminders with Twilio Studio

Appointment reminders are a breeze with Twilio Studio! Let's look at how to build a Flow that hooks into your application via REST API and sends a reminder SMS with a confirmation message.

Create Your Flow

create-your-flow page anchor

We'll start with a fresh Twilio Studio Flow. Log into your Twilio account and navigate to the Studio Dashboard(link takes you to an external page), then tap the + icon to create a new Flow. You can name your Flow anything you like — this guide will use Appointment Reminder. Click on the Next button.

Appointment Reminder Flow.

curl -X POST "" -d "To=${MY_PHONE_NUMBER}" -d "From=${FROM_NUMBER}" -d "Parameters={\"appointment_time\": \"Tuesday at 6PM\"}" -u $TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID:$TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN

For more information about parameters, and other example of curl requests, see the REST API section of the Studio User Guide. Get ready to have your calendar perfectly synced with your clients!

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