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Post Messages to Slack with Twilio Studio

In this tutorial you will post an inbound SMS to a Slack feed using Twilio Studio and an incoming Slack webhook. You'll need an existing Slack team to follow along with this tutorial, so if you don't have one yet, create one for free now.(link takes you to an external page)


prerequisites page anchor

Before you get started, you'll need:

New to Twilio Studio? Before completing this tutorial, you should familiarize yourself with the mechanics of working with Studio by reviewing the Getting Started guide.

You'll start with a new Twilio Studio Flow. A Flow is an individual workflow you create to handle your use case. For example, in this case you're going to post an inbound SMS to a Slack Feed. All the logic for this will exist in the Twilio Studio Flow you create.

To create a new Studio Flow:

  1. Log into your Twilio account and navigate to the Studio Dashboard(link takes you to an external page) .
  2. Click the Create a Flow button to create your first Studio flow. If you already have some Studio Flows (awesome!), tap the "+" icon instead.
  3. Name your Flow. You can name your Flow anything you like; we're calling ours "SMS to Slack".
  4. Click next to select a template. You'll see a few different templates you can use but you'll want a blank Canvas for this tutorial, so select Start from scratch on the template selection screen.

    SMS to Slack Flow.Incoming Message.

    Twilio Studio Tutorial Send to Slack arrow pointing to Incoming Message trigger on the Trigger (Start) Widget.Rate this page:

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