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Handle Incoming Voice and SMS Tasks

In the previous section of the Onboarding Guide, you walked through the built-in Flex UI Views. Now, you can start handling Tasks.

Within Twilio Flex, a Task represents a single item of work waiting to be processed. When you first create your Flex project, the only possible Tasks will be incoming Calls and SMS messages.

You can create more Task types for your project. For example, your CRM or ticketing system can generate tasks from customer emails or chat messages, or your own applications can create custom tasks representing the unique work your users handle.

Update your Agent Status

update-your-agent-status page anchor

In order for any Flex Agent to accept tasks, the Agent must set their Agent Status to Available. This allows queued Tasks to be routed to the Agent.

You can update your status by clicking on the status indicator in the top right side of the Flex UI. It indicates your current Agent status and has a dropdown of possible statuses you can choose.

Drop down with possible Agent statuses.Rate this page:

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