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Connect Call To Widget

Studio uses Widgets to represent various parts of Twilio's functionality that can then be stitched together in your Studio Flow to build out robust applications that require no coding on your part. You can learn more about Widgets and building Studio Flows in the Studio Getting Started Guide.



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The Connect Call To Widget allows you to bridge an in-progress call with another party. You can specify one of the following ways to connect to the other party:

  • Single phone number
  • Multiple phone numbers (simulring)

    • If you specify multiple phone numbers, all the numbers will be called simultaneously. Once one of the called parties connects, all the other calls will drop automatically.
  • Twilio Voice JavaScript SDK client identity
  • Programmable Wireless SIM SID
  • SIP endpoint
  • Twilio Voice Conference SID

Use this Widget as part of an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu, to connect your customer with a different department, or if they're looking to reach a specific operator.

You are not able to use parallel calling including both calls to a SIP Domain alongside calls to a phone number, Client user, or SIM.

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