At some point in your application development process, you may find yourself wanting to include dynamic or external data in your responses to users or as part of your application logic. A common way to incorporate this into your application is by making requests to APIs and processing their responses.
There are as many potential use cases as there are developers, so we can't possibly document every possible situation. Instead, we'll provide you with some examples and useful strategies that we've found over the years for making API calls in your Functions.
There are a wide variety of npm modules available for making HTTP requests to external APIs, including but not limited to:
For the sake of consistency, all examples will use axios
, but the same principles will apply to any HTTP request library. These examples are written assuming that a customer is calling your Twilio phone number and expecting a voice response, but these same concepts apply to any application type.
In order to run any of the following examples, you will first need to create a Function into which you can paste the example code. You can create a Function using the Twilio Console or the Serverless Toolkit as explained below:
If you prefer a UI-driven approach, creating and deploying a Function can be done entirely using the Twilio Console and the following steps:
Your Function is now ready to be invoked by HTTP requests, set as the webhook of a Twilio phone number, invoked by a Twilio Studio Run Function Widget, and more!
In order for your Function to react to incoming SMS and/or voice calls, it must be set as a webhook for your Twilio number. There are a variety of methods to set a Function as a webhook, as detailed below:
You can use the Twilio Console UI as a straightforward way of connecting your Function as a webhook:
unless you have created
custom domains
), and finally
Function Path
of your Function from the respective dropdown menus.
_10twilio phone-numbers:update +1234567890 \_10 --sms-url
If you prefer to have the Function respond to incoming calls instead, run:
_10twilio phone-numbers:update +1234567890 \_10 --voice-url
You may also use the SID of your Twilio phone number instead of the E.164 formatted phone number:
_10twilio phone-numbers:update PNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \_10 --sms-url
Before you can make an API request, you'll need to install axios
as a Dependency for your Function. Once axios
is installed, copy the following code snippet and paste it as the body of a new, public Function, such as /astro-info
. Be sure to use the instructions above to connect this Function as the webhook for incoming calls to your Twilio phone number.
_30const axios = require('axios');_30_30exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {_30 // Create a new voice response object_30 const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();_30_30 try {_30 // Open APIs From Space: http://open-notify.org_30 // Number of people in space_30 const response = await axios.get(``);_30 const { number, people } =;_30_30 const names = =>;_30 // Create a list formatter to join the names with commas and 'and'_30 // so that the played speech sounds more natural_30 const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat('en');_30_30 twiml.say(`There are ${number} people in space.`);_30 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_30 twiml.say(`Their names are: ${listFormatter.format(names)}`);_30 // Return the final TwiML as the second argument to `callback`_30 // This will render the response as XML in reply to the webhook request_30 // and result in the message being played back to the user_30 return callback(null, twiml);_30 } catch (error) {_30 // In the event of an error, return a 500 error and the error message_30 console.error(error);_30 return callback(error);_30 }_30};
This code is:
to perform an API request to the
endpoint, which will return the number of people currently in space, and a list of their names
There are some key points to keep in mind.
Making an HTTP request to an API is what we call an asynchronous operation, meaning the response from the API will come back to us at a later point in time, and we're free to use computing resources on other tasks in the meantime. Calling axios
in this code sample creates a Promise, which will ultimately resolve as the data we want, or reject and throw an exception.
The MDN has an excellent series that introduces asynchronous JavaScript and related concepts.
Note that we've declared this Function as async
. This means that we can leverage the await
keyword and structure our code in a very readable, sequential manner. The request is still fundamentally a Promise, but we can treat it almost like synchronous code without the need for callback hell or lengthy then
chains. You can learn more about this async/await syntax at the MDN.
The other key point is that our code only ever calls callback
once our code has successfully completed or if an error has occurred. If the await
keyword was removed, or we otherwise didn't wait for the API call to complete before invoking the callback
method, this would result in incorrect behavior. If we never invoke callback
, the Function will run until the 10-second execution limit is reached, resulting in an error and the customer never receiving a response.
Another common situation you may encounter is the need to make one API request, and then a subsequent request which is dependent on having data from the first request. By properly handling Promises in order, and ensuring that callback
is not invoked before our requests have finished, you can make any number of sequential requests in your Function as necessary for your use case (while also keeping in mind that the Function has 10 seconds to complete all requests).
_64const axios = require('axios');_64const qs = require('qs');_64_64exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {_64 // Create a new voice response object_64 const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();_64 // A pre-initialized Twilio client is available from the `context` object_64 const twilioClient = context.getTwilioClient();_64_64 try {_64 // Open APIs From Space: http://open-notify.org_64 // Number of people in space_64 const response = await axios.get(``);_64 const { number, people } =;_64_64 const names = =>;_64_64 // Select a random astronaut_64 const astronautName = names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)];_64 // Search Wikipedia for any article's about the astronaut_64 const { data: wikipediaResult } = await axios.get(_64 `${qs.stringify({_64 origin: '*',_64 action: 'opensearch',_64 search: astronautName,_64 })}`_64 );_64 // Attempt to select the first relevant article from the nested result_64 const article = wikipediaResult[3] ? wikipediaResult[3][0] : undefined;_64 // Create a list formatter to join the names with commas and 'and'_64 // so that the played speech sounds more natural_64 const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat('en');_64_64 twiml.say(`There are ${number} people in space.`);_64 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_64 twiml.say(`Their names are: ${listFormatter.format(names)}`);_64 // If there's a defined article for the astronaut, message the link to the user_64 // and tell them they've been sent a message_64 if (article) {_64 // Use `messages.create` to send a text message to the user that_64 // is separate from this call and includes the article_64 await twilioClient.messages.create({_64 to: event.From,_64 from: context.TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER,_64 body: `Learn more about ${astronautName} on Wikipedia at: ${article}`,_64 });_64_64 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_64 twiml.say(_64 `We've just sent you a message with a Wikipedia article about_64 ${astronautName}, enjoy!`_64 );_64 }_64_64 // Return the final TwiML as the second argument to `callback`_64 // This will render the response as XML in reply to the webhook request_64 // and result in the message being played back to the user_64 return callback(null, twiml);_64 } catch (error) {_64 // In the event of an error, return a 500 error and the error message_64 console.error(error);_64 return callback(error);_64 }_64};
Similar to the previous example, copy the following code snippet and paste it as the body of a new, public Function, such as /detailed-astro-info
. In addition, you will need to install the qs
module as a Dependency so that we can make an API request that includes search parameters. Also, for the text messaging to work, you'll need to set your Twilio phone number as an environment variable titled TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER
This code is:
to perform an API request to the
endpoint, which will return the number of people currently in space and a list of their names
Frequently in applications, we also run into situations where we could make a series of requests one after another, but we can deliver a better and faster experience to users if we perform some requests at the same time.
We can accomplish this in JavaScript by initiating multiple requests, and await
ing their results in parallel using a built-in method, such as Promise.all
To get started, copy the following code snippet and paste it as the body of a new, public Function, such as /space-info
In addition to the axios
and qs
dependencies installed for previous examples, you will want to get a free API key from positionstack. This will enable you to perform reverse geolocation on the International Space Station or ISS. Set the value of the API key to an environment variable named POSITIONSTACK_API_KEY
_60const axios = require('axios');_60const qs = require('qs');_60_60exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {_60 // Create a new voice response object_60 const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();_60_60 try {_60 // Open APIs From Space: http://open-notify.org_60 const openNotifyUri = '';_60 // Create a promise for each API call which can be made_60 // independently of each other_60_60 // Number of people in space_60 const getAstronauts = axios.get(`${openNotifyUri}/astros.json`);_60 // The current position of the ISS_60 const getIss = axios.get(`${openNotifyUri}/iss-now.json`);_60_60 // Wait for both requests to be completed in parallel instead of sequentially_60 const [astronauts, iss] = await Promise.all([getAstronauts, getIss]);_60_60 const { number, people } =;_60 const { latitude, longitude } =;_60_60 const names = =>;_60_60 // We can use reverse geocoding to convert the latitude and longitude_60 // of the ISS to a human-readable location. We'll use positionstack.com_60 // since they provide a free API._60 // Be sure to set your positionstack API key as an environment variable!_60 const { data: issLocation } = await axios.get(_60 `${qs.stringify({_60 access_key: context.POSITIONSTACK_API_KEY,_60 query: `${latitude},${longitude}`,_60 })}`_60 );_60_60 const { label: location } =[0] || 'an unknown location';_60_60 // Create a list formatter to join the names with commas and 'and'_60 // so that the played speech sounds more natural_60 const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat('en');_60_60 twiml.say(`There are ${number} people in space.`);_60 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_60 twiml.say(`Their names are: ${listFormatter.format(names)}`);_60 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_60 twiml.say(_60 `Also, the International Space Station is currently above ${location}`_60 );_60 // Return the final TwiML as the second argument to `callback`_60 // This will render the response as XML in reply to the webhook request_60 // and result in the message being played back to the user_60 return callback(null, twiml);_60 } catch (error) {_60 // In the event of an error, return a 500 error and the error message_60 console.error(error);_60 return callback(error);_60 }_60};
This code is:
to create two requests to the Open Notify API, one for astronaut information and the other for information about the ISS's location, and storing references to the resulting Promises.
ing the result of both requests simultaneously using
Just as you may need to request data in your Serverless applications, there are numerous reasons why you may want to send data to external APIs. Perhaps your Function responds to incoming text messages from customers and attempts to update an internal record about that customer by sending data to an API that manages customer records. Maybe your Function serves as a means to push messages onto a queue, like SQS so that some other microservice can handle clearing out that queue.
Regardless of the use case, you are free to make write requests to external APIs from your Functions (assuming you have permission to do so from the API). There are no restrictions imposed on this by Runtime itself.
Depending on the scenario, making a write request will mostly consist of using the same principles from the above examples, but using HTTP verbs such as POST
and PUT
instead of GET
The below example demonstrates a simple use case where a Function:
_52const axios = require('axios');_52_52exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {_52 // Create a new message response object_52 const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();_52_52 // Just for this example, we'll use the first digit of the incoming phone_52 // number to identify the call. You'll want to use a more robust mechanism_52 // for your own Functions, such as the full phone number._52 const postId = event.From[1];_52_52 // Since we're making multiple requests, we'll create an instance of axios_52 // that includes our API's base URL and any custom headers we might want to_52 // send with each request. This will simplify the GET and POST request paths._52 // JSONPlaceholder is a fake REST API that you can use for testing and prototyping_52 const instance = axios.create({_52 baseURL: '',_52 headers: { 'X-Custom-Header': 'Twilio' },_52 });_52_52 try {_52 // Get the post based on the derived postId_52 // If the postId was 1, this is effectively making a GET request to:_52 // const { data: post } = await instance.get(`/posts/${postId}`);_52_52 const newCount = (post.messageCount || 0) + 1;_52_52 // Use a POST request to "save" the update to the API_52 // In this case, we're merging the new count and message into the_52 // existing post object._52 const update = await'/posts/', {_52,_52 messageCount: newCount,_52 latestMessage: event.Body,_52 });_52_52 console.log(;_52_52 // Add a message to the response to let the user know that everything worked_52 twiml.message(_52 `Message received! This was message ${newCount} from your phone number. 🎉`_52 );_52 return callback(null, twiml);_52 } catch (error) {_52 // As always with async functions, you need to be sure to handle errors_52 console.error(error);_52 // Add a message to the response to let the user know that something went wrong_52 twiml.message(`We received your message, but something went wrong 😭`);_52 return callback(error);_52 }_52};
Some APIs may not accept write requests that are formatted using JSON (Content-Type: application/json
). The approach to handling this situation varies depending on the expected Content-Type
and which HTTP library you are using.
One example of a common alternative, which you'll encounter when using some of Twilio's APIs without the aid of a helper library, is Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
. As detailed in the axios
documentation and shown in the example below, this requires some slight modifications to the data that you send, the Headers attached to the request, or a combination of both.
_57const axios = require('axios');_57const qs = require('qs');_57_57exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {_57 // Create a new message response object_57 const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();_57_57 // Just for this example, we'll use the first digit of the incoming phone_57 // number to identify the call. You'll want to use a more robust mechanism_57 // for your own Functions, such as the full phone number._57 const postId = event.From[1];_57_57 // Since we're making multiple requests, we'll create an instance of axios_57 // that includes our API's base URL and any custom headers we might want to_57 // send with each request. This will simply be our GET and POST request paths._57 // JSONPlaceholder is a fake REST API that you can use for testing and prototyping_57 const instance = axios.create({_57 baseURL: '',_57 headers: { 'X-Custom-Header': 'Twilio' },_57 });_57_57 try {_57 // Get the post based on the derived postId_57 // If the postId was 1, this is effectively making a GET request to:_57 // const { data: post } = await instance.get(`/posts/${postId}`);_57_57 const newCount = (post.messageCount || 0) + 1;_57_57 // Like before, we're merging the new count and message into the_57 // existing post object_57 // In order to send this data in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded_57 // format, the payload must be encoded via a utility such as qs_57 const data = qs.stringify({_57,_57 messageCount: newCount,_57 latestMessage: event.Body,_57 });_57_57 // Use a POST request to "save" the update to the API_57 const update = await'/posts/', data);_57_57 console.log(;_57_57 // Add a message to the response to let the user know that everything worked_57 twiml.message(_57 `Message received! This was message ${newCount} from your phone number. 🎉`_57 );_57 return callback(null, twiml);_57 } catch (error) {_57 // As always with async functions, you need to be sure to handle errors_57 console.error(error);_57 // Add a message to the response to let the user know that something went wrong_57 twiml.message(`We received your message, but something went wrong 😭`);_57 return callback(error);_57 }_57};
API requests aren't always successful. Sometimes the API's server may be under too much load and unable to handle your request, or something simply happened to go wrong with the connection between your server and the API.
A standard approach to this situation is to retry the same request but after a delay. If that fails, subsequent retries are performed but with increasing amounts of delay (also known as exponential backoff). You could implement this yourself, or use a module such as p-retry to handle this logic for you. This behavior is also built into got
by default.
To see this more explicitly configured, the following code examples implement some previous examples, but while utilizing an unstable API that only sometimes successfully returns the desired data.
V5 and newer versions of p-retry
are exported as ES Modules, and Functions currently do not support the necessary import
syntax. To utilize p-retry
(or any other ES Module package) in the meantime, you will need to import it using dynamic import syntax inside of your handler method, as highlighted in the following examples.
_51const axios = require('axios');_51_51const getAstronauts = () => axios.get('');_51_51exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {_51 // We need to asynchronously import p-retry since it is an ESM module_51 const { default: pRetry } = await import('p-retry');_51 // Create a new voice response object_51 const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();_51_51 try {_51 let attempts = 1;_51 // Open APIs From Space: http://open-notify.org_51 // Number of people in space_51 const response = await pRetry(getAstronauts, {_51 retries: 3,_51 onFailedAttempt: ({ attemptNumber, retriesLeft }) => {_51 attempts = attemptNumber;_51 console.log(_51 `Attempt ${attemptNumber} failed. There are ${retriesLeft} retries left.`_51 );_51 // 1st request => "Attempt 1 failed. There are 3 retries left."_51 // 2nd request => "Attempt 2 failed. There are 2 retries left."_51 // …_51 },_51 });_51 const { number, people } =;_51_51 const names = =>;_51 // Create a list formatter to join the names with commas and 'and'_51 // so that the played speech sounds more natural_51 const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat('en');_51_51 twiml.say(`There are ${number} people in space.`);_51 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_51 twiml.say(`Their names are: ${listFormatter.format(names)}`);_51 // If retries were necessary, add that information to the response_51 if (attempts > 1) {_51 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_51 twiml.say(`It took ${attempts} attempts to retrieve this information.`);_51 }_51 // Return the final TwiML as the second argument to `callback`_51 // This will render the response as XML in reply to the webhook request_51 // and result in the message being played back to the user_51 return callback(null, twiml);_51 } catch (error) {_51 // In the event of an error, return a 500 error and the error message_51 console.error(error);_51 return callback(error);_51 }_51};
_73const axios = require('axios');_73const qs = require('qs');_73_73// The root URL for an API which is known to fail on occasion_73const unstableSpaceUri = '';_73// We'll declare these functions outside of the handler since they have no_73// dependencies on other values, and this will tidy up our pRetry calls._73const astronautRequest = () => axios.get(`${unstableSpaceUri}/astros`);_73const issRequest = () => axios.get(`${unstableSpaceUri}/iss`);_73// Use a common object for retry configuration to DRY up our code :)_73const retryConfig = (reqName) => ({_73 retries: 3,_73 onFailedAttempt: () => console.log(`Retrying ${reqName}...`),_73});_73_73exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {_73 // We need to asynchronously import p-retry since it is an ESM module_73 const { default: pRetry } = await import('p-retry');_73 // Create a new voice response object_73 const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();_73_73 try {_73 // Create a promise with retry for each API call that can be made_73 // independently of each other_73 const getAstronauts = pRetry(astronautRequest, retryConfig('astros'));_73 const getIss = pRetry(issRequest, retryConfig('iss'));_73 // pRetry returns a promise, so we can still use Promise.all to await_73 // the result of both requests in parallel with retry and backoff enabled!_73 const [astronauts, iss] = await Promise.all([getAstronauts, getIss]);_73_73 const { number, people } =;_73 const { latitude, longitude } =;_73_73 const names = =>;_73_73 // We can use reverse geocoding to convert the latitude and longitude_73 // of the ISS to a human-readable location. We'll use positionstack.com_73 // since they provide a free API._73 // Be sure to set your positionstack API key as an environment variable!_73 const { data: issLocation } = await pRetry(_73 () =>_73 axios.get(_73 `${qs.stringify({_73 access_key: context.POSITIONSTACK_API_KEY,_73 query: `${latitude},${longitude}`,_73 })}`_73 ),_73 retryConfig('iss location')_73 );_73_73 const { label } =[0] || 'an unknown location';_73_73 // Create a list formatter to join the names with commas and 'and'_73 // so that the played speech sounds more natural_73 const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat('en');_73_73 twiml.say(`There are ${number} people in space.`);_73 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_73 twiml.say(`Their names are: ${listFormatter.format(names)}`);_73 twiml.pause({ length: 1 });_73 twiml.say(_73 `Also, the International Space Station is currently above ${label}`_73 );_73 // Return the final TwiML as the second argument to `callback`_73 // This will render the response as XML in reply to the webhook request_73 // and result in the message being played back to the user_73 return callback(null, twiml);_73 } catch (error) {_73 // In the event of an error, return a 500 error and the error message_73 console.error(error);_73 return callback(error);_73 }_73};